October 2018 Regular Monthly Meeting and Election for Vice President

The October 2018 regular monthly meeting and election for Vice President will be held on Thursday November 1st 2018. The meeting will be held on this date because of Halloween falling on our regular meeting date. The meeting will be held in the MacDonald Room at C200 (use the players entrance at the back of C200).

The candidates for Vice President are as follows:

1. Bernie Bennett
2. Darrell MacDonald
3. Alex Buchanan
4. Myles Timmons
5. Darryl McNeil

New Collective Agreement Signed

The new collective agreement has finally been signed today 21 Aug 2018. The new collective agreement can be found under the Resources Tab and by selecting Collective Agreement. We will be sending paper copies out to our Shop Stewards in the next few days.

January 2018 Regular Monthly Meeting

The regular monthly meeting for the month of January will be held on Wednesday January 31, 2018 at 7pm at the Centennial Arena (upstairs). Items on the agenda are Committee Reports, Correspondence Reports, and the Draw for the three (3) $500.00 Bursaries. All Members are urged to attend!!

CUPE 759 Bursary Applications for 2017-2018 Academic Year

CUPE LOCAL 759 will be awarding three, five hundred dollar ($500.00) bursaries annually starting in January 2012. The bursaries will be awarded by CUPE Local 759 to a member, spouse, son, daughter, step-daughter, grandson/ granddaughter or ward attending a post-secondary institution (university, trade, private college) fulltime (September 2017 to June 2018 term).

The three awards will chosen by a draw held at the January 2018 monthly meeting.

The Bursary Application deadline is January 15, 2018.

You can find the application and more information under the Resources tab and select Bursary application.

Completed Bursary Applications can be sent to the following:

North Division: Mike Whitty

Central Division: Tracy Rudderham

East Division: Kenny MacLennan

Regular Monthly Meeting

There will be a regular monthly meeting for the month of September on Wednesday September 27, 2017 at 7pm at the Centennial Arena (upstairs). Items on the agenda are Committee Reports, Correspondence Reports, and Nominations for President and Treasurer. All Members are urged to attend!!

Special Pension Meeting

There will be a Special Pension Meeting for CUPE LOCAL 759 MEMBERS. The meeeting will be held on Sunday 13 August 2017 @ 7pm at the Centennial Arena (Upstairs). There will be a vote to ratify a new contract clause regarding the transfer to The Nova Scotia Public Service Superannuation Plan (PSSP). It is very important that we have as many members attend as possible.